6 Strategies for Promoting Mental Health in the Workplace

6 Strategies for Promoting Mental Health in the Workplace

1. Real Leadership:

We at The Happiness Index are fortunate enough to have an inspiring leadership team that delivers great leadership; They feel free to share their struggles with mental health, whether it's when they're having a bad day or when they're in a more serious situation. This means that our entire team knows that their mental health will be taken seriously, and by breaking taboos, everyone in your organization will feel more empowered to share how they feel.

2. Set aside a safety and wellness day.

We ran our first Safety and Wellness Day in August of 2021; Giving people some time off during the work week to support their mental health in ways that work for them is a great way to help your employees help themselves, and our staff team has created mini care packages that include self-care ideas as well as some treats. Wonderful surprise.

Many companies also find these days very beneficial, and they are becoming more common and frequent. Whether you choose a safety and wellness day once a quarter or every year, this is a great benefit for employees.

3. Providing Mindfulness Meditation Programs:

Anyone at The Happiness Index who wants to use a mindfulness app can get a free subscription. We use Headspace, which our team really loves, but you can choose a local app that works for you, or it's available in your language, so talk to your team to see what they like best.

There are plenty of alternatives available If employees don't like using apps, there are plenty of other options, such as live mindfulness meditation sessions, books, or sharing resources like coloring books or mindfulness meditation ideas.

4. Providing Complete Flexibility:

We don't just offer flexible working hours to our team; That is, they can start and finish at a time that suits them and their lifestyle; We also encourage complete flexibility; This means that if someone needs some time alone in the middle of the day, they can make up that time at their convenience, no questions asked.

This can benefit people in different ways; Whether some staff finds they need a break outside of their usual lunch hours, perhaps someone else needs to see a doctor in order to support their mental health, or perhaps someone wants to pick up their kids from school without feeling guilty, total flexibility means everyone can take care of themselves according to their own schedule. temporal.

5. Provide professional support:

Sometimes, self-care and mindfulness meditation just don't do the trick. As mental health is very important; That's why we want to make sure that we have real support for our employees, helping our team to access professional help if they need it.

We use employee welfare software; This means that our employees can get specialized treatment when they need it. As there is a range of therapists available, so the whole thing can be coordinated according to their needs. In addition, we can share mental health support with those close to us if it would be more beneficial to us. There are many ways to support your staff with professional help; So we recommend this.

6. Constant listening:

We know that work concerns don't always come on time; This is why it is important to us that our employees be able to provide anonymous feedback when they are experiencing difficulty. The Employee Voice program allows us to listen to our team when and where they need us.

In conclusion:

Sometimes, our team provides constructive and actionable feedback, and sometimes, they just need to let us know they've had a rough day, either way, we need to be able to listen to them and offer solutions where possible.

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